134,012 people served
3.5 million regular trips in 2014
87,799 paratransit trips in 2014
150, including 125 direct jobs (full-time equivalent) in 2014
Website (French only): www.sttr.qc.ca
The mission of the Société de Transport de Trois-Rivières is to offer an optimal mobility service contributing to the development and vitality of the Trois-Rivières community.
Vision: to be a leader in integrated urban mobility in Trois-Rivières.
In carrying out its mission and achieving its vision, STTR will subject its actions to constant respect for the fundamental values to which not only members of management and staff subscribe, but also STTR’s suppliers and partners.
The STTR serves a population of 136,000 people who make more than 3,500,000 trips annually, over a territory of nearly 300 km2.
It’s a team of more than 135 employees dedicated to providing a pleasant customer experience!
More than 3,223,833 km TAKEN in urban areas
330,053 km for paratransit
16 LINES served
1200 STOPS