As the ATUQ favours synergy and partnerships, it lends its expertise to certain organizations and is considered as a reference. The ATUQ establishes partnerships at the local, provincial and international levels and it is involved in the organization of numerous events.
- Gouvernement du Québec
- Observatoire de la mobilité durable
- Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)
- Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ)
- Association canadienne du transport urbain (ACTU)
- American Public Transportation Associatio (APTA)
- Union internationale des transports publics (UITP)
- Association québécoise des transports (AQTr)
- Trajectoire Québec
Quebec government
The ATUQ and its member organizations work hand in hand with certain departments, in particular the Quebec Ministry of Transport (French only), the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques , the Department of Finance, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Habitation and the Department of Energy and Natural Resources. The ATUQ is involved in the consultation process in conjunction with the development of new programs, plans and policies.
The ATUQ also participates, as an independent expert, in certain roundtables and working groups such as the Quebec Road Safety Task Force; the roundtable on active, collective and alternative transportation; the roundtable on the taxi transport industry, and the focus group on safe cycling.
Sustainable mobility observatory
Created in 2008, the Observatoire de la mobilité durable (sustainable mobility observatory) is mandated to examine the transportation and mobility of people and goods from an intermodal perspective, with regard to urban and land use planning choices and practices and in light of sustainable development imperatives. The Observatoire de la mobilité durable is a joint initiative of the ATUQ, the Union of Quebec Municipalities (UMQ), the City of Montreal and the Institute of Urban planning of the University of Montreal (Institut d’urbanisme de l’Université de Montréal), of which it is a part.
Observatoire de la mobilité durable website (French only)
Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ)
Each year, the ATUQ, in collaboration with the SAAQ, organizes the public transportation Road Safety Week (Semaine de la sécurité routière dans le transport en commun). This event seeks to create awareness among drivers, pedestrians and cyclists as to the importance of engaging in safe behaviour near buses.
Quebec Association for the Fight Against Air Pollution (AQLPA)
The ATUQ and its member organizations are major partners in the AQLPA’s Clear the air! program. The aim of this program is to contribute to the improvement of air quality and to the fight against climate change, in particular by promoting a modal shift towards sustainable transport. In exchange for their old vehicle, participants receive rewards, among which the most popular consists of 12 consecutive months of free public transit tickets, an initiative which is partly funded by the ATUQ public transportation member organizations.
AQLPA website (French only)
Union of Quebec Municipalities (UMQ)
In 2007, the ATUQ and the UMQ entered into a partnership agreement aimed essentially at ensuring a mechanism for sharing information and expertise and establishing a concertation procedure, which would allow the two organizations to adopt, whenever possible, common and/or complementary positions with respect to public transit and sustainable development issues.
UMQ website
Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA)
The collaboration between the ATUQ and the CUTA is aimed at ensuring coherence and complementarity within the context of representations to various government authorities. The agreement fosters the pooling of expertise and the sharing of information on issues of common concern, and allows the two associations to combine their efforts in order to promote public transportation in Quebec as well as in Canada. As part of this collaboration, the ATUQ attends the Quebec regional panel meetings. The CUTA-Quebec committee seeks above all to offer an information exchange forum to all public transportation industry partners.
CUTA website
International Association of Public Transit (UITP)
The ATUQ and the nine public transportation organizations are members of the UITP. This association brings together public transport authorities and operators, policy decision-makers, scientific institutes and the public transport supply and service industry. The UITP represents an international network of 3,400 members located in 92 countries who seek worldwide cooperation while sharing their experience and know-how. It should be noted that in 2013, the ATUQ and the UITP renewed their cooperation agreement.
UITP website
Association québécoise des transports (AQTr)
In 2010, the ATUQ and the AQTr signed a collaboration agreement aimed at ensuring the coherence and complementarity of training activities as well as the exchange of knowledge and expertise. This agreement also aims to promote the sharing of information on issues of common interest and to facilitate a concerted effort in favour of public transit and the development of sustainable mobility in Quebec.
AQTr website (French only)
The ATUQ shares certain information with TRANSIT; for example, various data taken from its studies and briefs. TRANSIT’s mission is to foster the development and improvement of public transit services in Quebec, by ensuring the funding required to enable the largest possible number of citizens to benefit from these services.
TRANSIT website (French only)
Transport 2000 QUÉBEC
The ATUQ is also a reference for Transport 2000 QUÉBEC, an association dedicated to representing the interests of public transit users and promoting effective and sustainable transportation systems.
Transport 2000 website (English website under construction)
Other organizations
Given the impact public transportation has on society, from an environmental, economic and social perspective, the ATUQ interacts and shares information with organizations from various sectors. This webpage also represents an opportunity to share with Internet users a list of organizations whose activities the ATUQ wishes to promote.
Public transportation (Québec, Canada and abroad)
- Nine public transportation organizations in Quebec
- STAC (paratransit)
- American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
- Association for European Transport
- Eltis – The urban mobility observator
- Public and Rail Transport Union (UTP) (French only)
Carpooling, car sharing and active transportation
- Vélo Québec
- Mobiligo (French only)
- Communauto
- Voyagez futé (French only)
- Mobilit-t (French only)
- BIXI Montréal
- Accès transports viables (French only)
- Équiterre
- Jour de la Terre (Earth Day) (French only)
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Regroupement national des conseils régionaux de l’environnement du Québec (RNCREQ) (French only)
- Ultimate Guide to Air Pollution
Health and society
- Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ) (French only)
- Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ)
- Vivre en ville
- (French only)
- Quebec Federation of Chambers of Commerce (FCCQ)
- SWITCH, the alliance for a green economy in Quebec: (French only)
- Montreal Economic Institute
Government departments and agencies
- Quebec Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Habitation (MAMH) (French only)
- Quebec Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
- Commission des Transports du Québec
- Gazette officielle du Québec (a publication in which the Quebec government formalizes its decisions)
- Transport Canada
- Quebec government portal
- Government of Canada portal
- Quebec Metropolitan Community (CMQ) (French only)
- Montreal Metropolitan Community (MMC)
- Quebec Federation of Municipalities (FQM) (French only)
University chairs, study and research centres
- Institut d’urbanisme de l’Université de Montréal
- Department of urban studies and tourism (French only)
- URBA Forum 2015 (French only)
- Centre for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO)
- Institut de recherche d’Hydro-Québec (IREQ)
- Interuniversity Research Centre on Enterprise Networks Logistics and Transportation (CIRRELT)
- NSERC Industrial Research Chair on Logistics Management (UQÀM)
- Centre for Expertise and Research on infrastructures in urban areas (CERIU) (French only)
- Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement (Cerema) (French only)
- French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks (Ifsttar)
Transportation sectors (other than public transportation)
- Atlas des transports – Transports Québec (French only)
- CAA Québec
- Transportation Association of Canada (TAC)