The following actions summarize the ATUQ’s sustainable development approach:
Sustainable development committee
In 2007, the ATUQ’s Board of directors established a sustainable development committee comprised of representatives from each transportation organization. This committee’s mandate is to promote sustainable development among member organizations, foster the sharing of related knowledge and best practices and support transportation organizations that are willing to undertake or expand a sustainable development approach.
The committee prepared the Sustainable Development Charter, which was adopted in 2010 by the ATUQ’s Management committee. It also undertook initiatives designed to support the sustainable development approach adopted by the different organizations.
Adherence to the UITP’s Sustainable Development Charter
In 2010 and 2013, the ATUQ signed the Sustainable Development Charter of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP). This is a voluntary commitment on behalf of the UITP members (which include the ATUQ and its members). The program of the UITP’s Sustainable Development Charter is recognized worldwide and is considered as a key step in motivating the public transportation sector and spurring greater awareness of the public transportation organizations’ contribution to the achievement of international objectives.
A coaching service inspired by the BNQ 21000 Approach
In 2012, the ATUQ’s sustainable development committee determined that the transportation organizations should benefit from a coaching service inspired by the BNQ 21000 Approach. This provided a real boost to the sustainable development approach initiated by the organizations and allowed for the clear delineation of the issues and priorities inherent to each organization.
Publication of the ATUQ’s first sustainable development report!
In 2013, the ATUQ published its first sustainable development report, which underscores the ATUQ’s and its member organizations’ significant contribution to social, environmental and economic issues. The report represents a turning point for the sustainable development approach initiated by the ATUQ and allows for a scalable perspective on the transportation organizations’ sustainable initiatives. Executive summary – Full report (French only).